Thursday, June 07, 2007

Okay, let's back this up a bit ...

What I find most interesting about this post is, perhaps because Mark deliberately divorces himself from popular culture, he is seemingly unaware that some really macabre entertainment existed before the United States began to debate torture. The "ticking time bomb" scenario for instance far predates 24, for instance, I remember encountering it in all manner of comic books during my childhood in the 1980s. I also tend to think that any discussion of the coarse nature of modern popular culture has to include the rather large number of slasher films that significantly predate the torture debate.

One interesting point to be made here is that I will stake a rather large amount of money on the fact that 99% of the individuals involved in producing such material are vehemently opposed to anything involving the Bush administration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, for heaven's sake, guys, quit trying to make any sense out of Shea. For whatever deep psychological reason, the guy is obssesional about "torture", and it doesen't have to make any sense. Just quit reading the guy - everyone else has. Too bad really - Shea was once a reasonably good Catholic apologist, but his progressive Bush Derangement Syndrome is progressively destroying his career. Just a reminder that politics doth make fools of us all in the end. I say this, by the way, as a man who would not vote for Bush again, under any circumstances...
